
Portée:La galaxie et au délà

Cat:453/188 from 453-Portée/188-La galaxie et au délà ===> 10

  • Intertryp participates in the 3rd joint AITVM-STVM conference

    Intertryp participates in the 3rd joint AITVM-STVM conference


    Several members of the unit presented their work on the occasion of the 3rd joint conference of the Association of Institutions of Tropical Veterinary Medicine (AITVM) and the Society of Tropical Veterinary Medicine (STVM) held in Montpellier from 21 to 24 May 2024.

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  • Resurgence of Chagas Disease Vectors in Yucatan (Mexico) during the hot and dry season

    Resurgence of Chagas Disease Vectors in Yucatan (Mexico) during the hot and dry season


    A recent study conducted in collaboration between our researchers from the Unit and our partners reveals a worrying resurgence of Chagas disease vectors during the hot and dry season (March-June) in the southeastern region of Mexico (Yucatan).

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  • Workshop in molecular biology and African trypanosomoses, in Bouaké, Ivory Coast

    Workshop in molecular biology and African trypanosomoses, in Bouaké, Ivory Coast


    As part of the partnership between Intertryp Montpellier and the research institutes in Côte d'Ivoire on African trypanosomoses, the Institut Pierre Richet (IPR) in Bouaké in Côte d'Ivoire welcomed Adeline Sgard, Engineer in molecular biology, for a workshop held from March 11 to 19, 2024 on molecular biology techniques applied to trypanosome research.

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  • Intertryp in Madrid for a week of courses on tropical disease diagnostics

    Intertryp in Madrid for a week of courses on tropical disease diagnostics


    Looking back over a weeklong workshop held from March 4th to 8th by the « Centro Nacional de Microbiologia » in Spain, which brought together over 40 clinicians from 23 countries aiming to refine and update their knowledge on the latest diagnostic methods for detecting the most impactful tropical diseases on human health.

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  • When Japan Shows Interest in Trypano !

    When Japan Shows Interest in Trypano !


    Taking advantage of a door-to-door activity searching for cases of sleeping sickness in Forécariah, Ryuishi Kato, the ambassador of Japan in Guinea, at the invitation of PNLMTN and IRD, spent a day in the field meeting with stakeholders in the fight against the disease and the coastal communities of Guinea.

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  • Thesis Defense of Eugénie Magang on Friday, March 15th, 2024, at IRD Agropolis Montpellier

    Thesis Defense of Eugénie Magang on Friday, March 15th, 2024, at IRD Agropolis Montpellier


    Eugénie Magang successfully defended her thesis entitled : "Les réservoirs cachés de trypanosomes chez les hôtes vertébrés : implications dans l’interruption de la transmission des trypanosomes dans les foyers de la maladie du sommeil de Campo et Bipindi au Cameroun". This study highlighted the presence of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, a pathogenic parasite for humans, in various animal taxa, as well as dermal trypanosomes in both humans and animals. A significant decrease in trypanosome infection rates was observed two years after the LAV (2020-2022). The results of this study suggest the need to consider not only animal and dermal reservoirs but also to continue integrating vector control into the development of strategies aimed at interrupting trypanosome transmission.

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  • The "One health meetings in Côte d'Ivoire": A step towards sustainable future

    The "One health meetings in Côte d'Ivoire": A step towards sustainable future


    From March 7th to June 20th, 2024, a significant event marks the Ivorian scientific landscape: the "One health meetings in Côte d'Ivoire". These meetings aim to bring together a multitude of stakeholders, ranging from scientists to policymakers, to holistically address the challenges of human, animal, plant, and environmental health in the Ivorian context.

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  • Start of JEAI ENVY in Mérida, Mexico

    Start of JEAI ENVY in Mérida, Mexico


    Thursday February 29 was the formal kick-off of the JEAI ENVY project "Ecology of Neglected Vector-borne Tropical Diseases in the Yucatán", at the "Dr Hideyo Noguchi" Regional Research Center of the Autonomous University of Yucatán (CIR-UADY), in Mérida, Mexico, in the presence of CIR-UADY authorities.

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  • Preparation meeting for the submission of a new project-ERASE

    Preparation meeting for the submission of a new project-ERASE


    Between February 19th and 22nd, Veerle Lejon, Research Director at IRD-Intertryp, organized a meeting to prepare the second-phase proposal for the EDCTP3 call for proposals - Advancing point-of-care diagnostics to the market. The 12 partners of this project, both European and African, convened at the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp.

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  • Emergence of a new atypical and worrying form of leishmaniasis in Nepal!

    Emergence of a new atypical and worrying form of leishmaniasis in Nepal!


    Researchers from UMR Intertryp-IRD and their Nepalese and Indian colleagues are studying an atypical form of leishmaniasis which appears in Nepal, questioning several aspects of this disease and its patients care. Traditionally present in the lowlands and tropical regions of Nepal, leishmaniasis, a neglected tropical disease (NTD), is now appearing at higher altitudes and presenting with unusual clinical forms. Indeed, the pathogen, the parasitic species Leishmania donovani, normally associated with cases of visceral leishmaniasis, is now causing cutaneous forms in regions where the parasite was not previously observed.

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